Dawg Boat – Chinooks

Sailgate with the Chinook’s Dawg Boat!

The Chinook’s Dawg Boat is a Seattle tradition that dates back to 1990! Avoid traffic, park for free and cruise from Fishermen’s Terminal through the Montlake Cut and find yourself arriving at Husky Stadium in style! Enjoy friendly banter with opposing fans, drink service aboard the boat, raffle prizes and trivia along the way.


By purchasing season tickets, you will receive one game completely free. Tickets will sell out quick, so be sure to find your desired game below and reserve a spot today!


*Tickets DO NOT include admission into Husky Stadium. The Dawg Boat will depart from Chinook’s approximately 90 minutes before kickoff and will return 30 minutes after the game is over.


If you would like to transfer your tickets, CLICK HERE.


All sales are final.